1.2.1 Personal Training

Personal Training is the most effective way to attain exercise and health related goals.  With a busy lifestyle it is sometimes hard to find the time to fit in exercise.

Personal Training maximises the effectiveness of exercise by totally focusing on exercises specifically designed for you.  Because everybody is different, not all exercise is suited to all individuals.

By determining which exercises will work best for you, you will progress at the optimum level towards your goals.

Benefits of 1.2.1 Personal Training

  • Exercise designed specifically for you
  • Faster, safer results
  • Maximize use of time
  • Have a structured goal orientated progression
  • Motivation
  • Realistic approach to your training
  • Overall wellness taken into account
  • I come to you.

Contact me now for your free consultation where we can discuss and understand your specific requirements. This includes completing a lifestyle questionnaire.

If you decide that Bodywise Fitness Personal Training is for you, a  fitness assessment is then completed on the following session.

Sessions usually last for 1 hour.

Nutritional advice can also be included as part of this package.


Personal Training